The Happiness Dare Giveaway

I love this book and want you to love it too, so.... 
I'm giving away a copy - right here on my blog... keep reading to enter!

The last couple years, I have been choosing to have more joy in my life. We have gotten rid of clutter, figured out priorities, cut back on stress in our life, and paid off our home. Life is good, but you know what??? Joy and happiness are two different things -and my life could use a lot more holy happiness in it!

Get this.... God is a Happy God - and He wants us to be Happy!

A. W. Tozer said that the people of God "ought to be the happiest people in all the wide world!" I think too often as Christians, we put a limit on our happiness in God.
 In The Happiness Dare, Jennifer says "God gave us the created world - with sugar, bluebirds, audio books, words with friends, art museums, and sex. You have permission to enjoy food, friendships, and a cool swim on a hot summer day. the devil didn't make art, laughter, music, or Sunday afternoon naps. God did!"

I read lots of self-help books and I enjoy the challenge of "trying to figure me and other people out." I have learned a lot and am fond of the 4 Types in Dressing Your Truth (I'm a Type 3 by the way) and the personality profile in Personality Plus. So, finding my happiness style makes me happy! You see, I'm an Experiencer 1st and a Thinker 2nd. I love adventures and alone time!

For years, I have tired to fit in at extended family get-togethers. Social gatherings leave me exhausted. I have never liked getting or giving gifts for holidays. (I like the music, lights, hot chocolate and the smell of cinnamon!) I don't like making big deals out of birthdays..... In my business - I don't push sales, I let people come to me! The more I try to fit in and do those type of things, the worse I feel....! Turns out, that kind of stuff doesn't make me happy - it stresses me out! My happiness style is not a relater or giver.... (don't get me wrong, everyone can be a friend to someone and help someone out) but, to try to be somebody that you aren't is NOT going to make you happy! I think, I've always known this, but reading The Happiness Dare was so affirming for me.

 I love the happiness style quiz... I've taken it 3 times in one month (yes, I have a tendency to over think things)! My hubby and kids have also taken it.... my books pages are already wrinkled, words are underlined and have been read and reread!

 "The art of being happy lives in the power of extracting happiness from common things." -Henry Ward Beecher  - Flowers, sunsets, music, bubble baths, and alone time make me happy! I am actively finding my sweet spot - the place where earthly pleasures, heavenly joy, and my unique wiring all come together - that is my Happy Kingdom Come!

If you are in a hole of unhappiness, Jennifer teaches you that it only takes 5 min. a day to build a ladder, one rung at a time, to get out of the hole and become a happier you! If you are out of the hole of unhappiness, and your life is happy - maybe you need to jump in, and help someone climb out... Understanding someones happiness style can help you understand them better.

We become happier by changing the way we think- by finding happiness in our own life - by being "good enough' - by using our happiness (no matter how small amount it may be) as a powerful weapon - by being grateful!

"Gratitude is Happiness doubled by wonder." - G. K. Chesterton 

Enter this Giveaway and share it with your friends.... Take the happiness dare, find your happiness style, - then change the world!

You can buy a copy of The Happiness Dare here.


*Only in USA. Giveaway ends 08-30-2016 at midnight EST. Healthprint challenge must be complete to count as points. Anyone who completes the Healthprint quiz will be added to a email list.

To comply with regulations by the FTC, Tyndale Blog Network has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions are my own.


  1. Wildlife, I love listening and watching the birds, lizards, wild horses and rabbits.

  2. My family having fun together, makes me happy.

    1. Congrats Sadie! You are the winner - I will have The Happiness Dare sent in the mail today!

  3. Running with my dogs makes me happy. :D

  4. Being outside, physical work, and being with my immediate family all make me happy.

  5. My son!! He has a great way of making me smile every day!!

  6. Having all of my kids together in our home makes me happiest. My daughter is on her own so when she comes for a get together, I have her and my son home with me.

  7. Being outside hiking with my family makes me hopeful and happy

  8. My art and drawing.

  9. sleep, wish i could get more i'm beat

  10. Watching my dog try to catch the crows that love to tease her.

  11. stephanie scales campbellAugust 29, 2016 at 1:05 PM

    My children make me happy!

  12. My daughter and husband make me happy!

  13. My wife and daughter make me happy!

  14. My husband children make me happy!
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  15. My family and pets make me happy!

  16. Spending time with my kids and my cat gives me great happiness.

  17. Talking to my children or grandchildren always makes me happy.

  18. Cuddling with my cat makes me happy.

  19. When my family is happy, that makes me happy. :)

  20. One thing that makes me happy is sunshine. Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. Spending time with the kids is the basis of my happiness.
    Sherri J


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