
Showing posts with the label Health and Wealth

Shaklee Protein Snack Recipe

 1 cup peanut butter (smooth or crunchy)  1/2 cup Shaklee Energizing life protein - vanilla  1/4 cup honey  1 cup  rice krispies  6 oz. mini chocolate chips Mix together all ingredients and press into an 8 by 8 square pan and cut into bite size pieces, or roll into balls. Store in the fridge. * You can also add sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, raisins or flax seed, chia seeds, coconut, oatmeal, walnuts, almonds, pecans, ect. The only bad thing about making this snack is that it disappears too quickly!

What Parents With Special Needs Kids Want You To Know

As I sit here crying after spending all morning on the phone trying to get more help/services for my special needs son, I thought maybe I'd share a few thoughts.... If you think being a parent is hard, being a parent to a special needs kid is 100 times harder. We face huge challenges every single day. There are hard things about parenting kids with disabilities. I love my boy.... Special needs families are buried in paperwork because everything requires it. From our kid's IEPs, to medical documentation, to data collection, to applications for services, - the paperwork is never ending. We try not to compare, but sometimes it’s hard not to notice how different our kid is to their typical peers. We feel like we are not doing enough. Deep down we often wonder, am I really doing all I can do? Sometimes, we have an overwhelming feeling of failing at everything we do because we don’t have enough time or energy to do it all. We feel like we are failing with our k

Kids With Learning Disabilities

They still love playing with legos.... On hard days, these thoughts often linger in my mind.... When it feels like I can't go on...When my head is throbbing with pain. When every breath is more painful than the last, and my heart is breaking into a million pieces. When my tears won't dry, and just keep falling.  I feel utterly helpless - there's nothing I can do. I used to believe in miracles, but I don't understand how God can be so cruel. I love these kids. Why them? Why me? Why this?  My one and only wish is that my kids could be normal. I hate seeing them suffer, not knowing what their future holds or the suffering they will have to endure. The only way I can made it through each day is to keep telling myself... There has to be a reason that God made my kids this way. I pray that someday God will use them in a big way to bring people to Him.   I have no idea why God chose me to be their mom, I lack in so many ways. But God knows I love them. So

The Most Delicious Clinically Proven Shake

In a world where everyone is looking for the newest and best health drink on the market.... sometimes it's better to stick with what works! Shaklee has been around for over 60 years and has a proven track record!  I'd like to introduce you to Shaklee's new and improved Life Shake ™ – The Most Delicious, Clinically Proven Shake that is clinically proven to help you thrive and create the foundation for a longer, healthier life. This delicious shake has 20 grams of ultra-pure, non-GMO protein to keep you energized, with zero added sugar and precise ratios of all nine essential amino acids. Clinically proven support to help you reach and maintain your perfect, healthy weight. Powered by Leucine® to help you build lean muscle, burn fat, improve metabolism, and reduce cravings. People who use LifeShake with Shaklee's 180 program is clinically proven to loose the weight and keep it off! Easy-to-digest, promotes regularity, and digestive comfort.

Why We Don't Answer The Phone

I have always hated talking on the phone. And it has nothing whatsoever to do with the person at the other end, I just find it a horrible tool for communicating with.  I have many auto immune diseases and a rare cancer which are all caused by stress.  A few years back, my doctor advised me to delete my personal fb friends and to not answer the phone to help reduce stress. I tried his advise and it helps, so here's the thing... I don't answer the phone anymore for anyone unless it's my hubby or my kids. If you are calling for my business , leave a detailed voicemail and I will call you back at my convenience. If someone is dying or its an emergency, call my hubby's number. If you want me, send a text or email. If you do leave a voicemail, but don't say what you need, I will not return the call. It's just not that important. Communication is a wonderful thing when done right. But I think the whole phone calling fiasco is not a good way to communic

How Shaklee's YOUTH Healed My Skin

Like nearly every growing teen, I have struggled with acne. Although mine is thankfully not severe, it hit a definite peak between the ages of 14 and 16. I had tried different facial cleansers, exfoliators, moisturizers, way too many questionable DIY concoctions (which did more harm than good), and even a medicated cream, to try to tame this bothersome side affect of puberty. Every night I would exfoliate like crazy, apply at least 3 different products, and every morning I would wake up with the same lack of results. None of them seemed to work, which, of course, drove me to use them even more religiously…  At that time, it seemed like a wise solution. It wasn’t. As my acne worsened, my confidence dwindled, but I eventually discovered the life-changing power of liquid foundation and concealer… only, I lacked the knowhow to use it, and the end result  made me look like  a cake-faced oompa loompa... from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Not the best lo

An Open Letter To My Customers

Dear Customer, As the owner of SRKindred and an Independant Shaklee Distributor, I want to personally thank you for your continued loyalty to our products and your support of our family business. Shaklee is so much more than just a nutritional, product, company. Our mission is to help people everywhere enjoy beautiful, healthy, fulfilling lives through our exceptional, naturally based products, a fun and rewarding business opportunity, and a culture of family, service, and gratitude.  Do you realize your support means much more than simply buying vitamins, skincare, weightloss, cleaning products, or Basic H? You’re supporting small business. You’re supporting our family. You make it possible for me to stay home with my children. According to Entrepreneur magazine, there are over 25 million small businesses in the U.S., and Forbes reports that 52% of small businesses are home-based.  We are blessed by your continued patronage…This is life changing for o

35 Things I've Learned In 35 Years

Today, I turn 35 years old. I'm not one to make a big deal about my birthday, but, the older I get, the more I reflect on my life. So, I thought I’d share some lessons I’ve learned... 1. Say you’re sorry. Being too proud to apologize is never worth it. Open your heart. Life is amazing if you don’t shut it out.  Be willing to take the wounds that come with an open heart, but know when to walk away. Know who your people are and you will experience the best of life. 2. Possessions are worse than worthless — they’re harmful. They add no value to your life, and cost you everything. Not just the money required to buy them, but the time and money spent shopping for them, maintaining them, worrying about them, insuring them, fixing them, etc. Mindless shopping is unhealthy, and useless. Live a clutter free life. 3. Slow down. Rushing is rarely worth it. Life is better enjoyed at a leisurely pace. Savor life. Not just the usual pleasures, but everything and everyone. The stranger y

Lessons Learned With Weight Loss

I have learned that it is okay to ask for help and guidance.  To say no and not feel guilty.  That weight loss also sheds unwanted baggage. That failure is not an option.  That I am worthy of love. That I am important. My life an d my wants are important.  That whatever is worth having, is worth fighting for, and is hard. That portion control and protein matter more than most people think. Simply to be true to myself and to those that I love. I have learned who my people are. That being unique and different is one of my best qualities - in a world where people zag, I zig. That good things can happen at any time, on any day. And finally, I have learned to be Rhoda. To be the best version of myself, with the man that I love, my children, and my God. To be okay with who I am. Read about my weight loss journey here:  Getting Healthy Part 1 Getting Healthy Part 2 I am currently down 75 lb. since October 2016 and wear a size 14 jeans,