Weeding God's Way

I was out weeding one of my many perennial beds today (a normal, regular activity for me), when I started thinking........

 "Weeding is God's way of making my life look good, so other's can see Jesus in me!"

 It doesn't matter how big (proud/puffed up) I get, or how pretty I am.  If my life is full of weeds (bad habits, discontentment, or sin), no one can see that I am a born again Christian!

 You see, my beds always have tall, airy grasses, bright, pretty blooms and sweet, heavenly smells, however, when the flower bed is full of weeds, you never see the true beauty of the flowers.

The weeds take away from the appearance, just as sin takes away from our Christian witness!

I mean, think of it, you never see an article in a gardening magazine where the picture is a bed full of weeds! No! The gardening magazine wants their readers to see the beauty of the flowers. -Just as God wants others to see Him in us!

I think I may need to do better at pulling some weeds in my life..... how about you?


  1. So thankful the master gardener is faithful to weed our hearts when we willfully surrender our hearts...the whole of it...to His tender care.
    Great post!
    Thank you for sharing-

  2. Thanks for sharing! It's so good to "meet" you! I'm stopping by via the Blog Bash 2011... have a BLESSED weekend!!


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