I was visiting a new blog today,and loved her "My husband ROCKS Friday" posts. I may borrow the idea..... Thanks Randomissus !

Here are my answers:

1. Where did you meet?
We met through a mutual church friend. At the time, my life was great! I was really involved in doing God's will for my life and wasn't really wanting to date a guy, but they insisted he was perfect for me and said they'd invite him to church so 'no pressure' (he lived in a different state).

2. How long did you date before you were married?
We dated for 1 yr. & 3 months total. He proposed at 11 months. so, we were engaged for two months.

3. What does he do that surprises you?
 Alot and sometimes nothing all at the same time. He is a very steady plodder, so when he does surprise me ....it's usually pretty big and totally unexpected!

4. What is your favorite quality of his?
Too many to mention! His dedication to me and the kids, providing for us, being honest, the respect he shows me, always doing what is right, taking care of his things, helping me around the house, his wisdom, the way he loves me......the list goes on and on!

5. What is your favorite feature of his?
Do you really want to know!!!!  I would have to say -his smile! He has the cutest smile!

6. Does he have a nickname for you?
Yep, he calls me Baby or Love

7. What is his favorite food?
Strawberry Delight, Tuna Lazonia, Homemade Chicken pot-pie, choc chip cookies....he likes most anything homemade!

8. What is his favorite sport?
 I don't know if he really has a favorite sport. He like watching football and sometimes Nascar, but he's not really into sports that much.

9. When and where was your first kiss?
I think it was at the nature center, we stopped along the trail to rest. It was about 4 weeks after we started dating, (I think)!!!

10. What do you like to do together?
Everything...the only time we're apart usually is when he's at work. But, our favorite is taking walks or sitting by the fire pit at night.

11. Do you have any children?
Yes, 2 beautiful girls and 1 ornery little 'big' boy!

12. Does he have a hidden talent?
He has a lot of hidden talents. I married one awesome guy! Most people don't realize that he loves crunching numbers and architect drawing to scale and that he is super good at it!

13. Who said "I love you" first?
He did, and I remember that like it was yesterday. I made him wait two weeks after that before I told him that I loved him!

14. What is his favorite type of music? A little of everything. Contemporary Christian, Christian Rock, Oldies, Country and Gospel. -depends on his mood!

15. What do you admire most about him?
His honesty, his character, the way he loves me.....too many to choose just one!

16. Do you think he will read this?
Nope! He doesn't get into the whole blog thing! 

 I truly do think that 'My Husband Rocks' !!!


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