
Showing posts with the label Health and Wealth

How Qualified Am I?

You know some people look at me and say that I'm not qualified to talk about nutrition. After all, I am not skinny, I don't run marathons, I cook and bake too much yummy food for my family, and I am not a doctor - and that, my friend, is all true.  But ya know..... 5 yrs ago, we had a very sick little girl who spent her days lying on a sofa, she was in the middle stages of kidney failure, she spent a few days a week going to the doctors, and local hospital for tests and cultures and going to a Children's Hospital a couple hours away monthly - she had 8 specialists. She was on 5 different adult dosage medications for over 4 years  - it was a merry-go-round. One medication would help symptom A, but its side effect would cause symptom B for which she would be put on another medication for symptom B, which would have a side effect that would cause symptom C, for which she'd be put on another medication.....  Add to that our Special Needs Son who has had 2 surger

Five Questions to Ask When Researching A Nutritional Company

Seriously Folks..... do your research! Don't take stuff (vitamins/slim/energy drinks/essential oils, etc.) just because they ‘seem’ to work. Your health is much more important in the long run! Find the scientific research on the products.... look up the clinical studies. You owe it to yourself. Here is a study done with 12 different herbal companies, and the results they got when testing the product. Only 2 had the authentic product! Crazy!   This is why we are so picky with the supplements we use, but please, don't take our word for it.... here are 5 questions to ask your company and some of their phone numbers...... ‪ 1. Are your final products organic and free of pesticides, herbicides and chemicals? "Natural" and 'organic" simple will not cut it. They cannot just 'start out' organic. The "Organic" farm listed on the website does not tell you anything about the finished product. The pill or shake that you put in your mouth mu

Facebook Friends

Do you know how many friends you have on Facebook??? It's funny, most of the people on Facebook who are my friends, I don't talk to much in real life at all. Facebook started out as a good way to connect with extended family, cousins, aunts, and old friends from different parts of my past life. I always thought that people who didn't like Facebook and those who said there was too much drama, were the ones who caused the drama. I thought they were crazy.... But the last few years, I've started to realize something. My friends on Facebook were there to like a picture and a few would add a comment from time to time, but in my real life. .... I had no one. When I had rough days with exhaustion from my cancer, when my dad was in the hospital, when my grandpa was on his death bed.... not one 'Facebook friend' offered to make a meal or watch the kids so I could spend time caring for my dad and grandpa. No one (except for my mom) offered to help wash the dish

Run, Don't Walk, and Go Buy A Diva Cup

To all the girls out there..... YOU need a Diva Cup!!!! Warning: this conversation is not for boys or immature women. The Diva Cup has changed my life (at least that 'time of month') and it can change yours too! What is a Diva Cup?!?! The Diva Cup is a re-useable, silicone, menstrual cup that is inserted into your vagina, and is used to collect blood during “that time of the month.” It sits snugly and comfortably without being noticed. A couple times a day, you gently remove it, empty it’s contents into the toilet, rinse it out, and re-insert. It’s a super quick, easy, and clean process, and is not as bizarre as it sounds. Please, hear me out before you click away. Pads, in my opinion, are just gross. You’re basically sitting in an adult diaper that moves around, leaks and is just no fun to sit on. I hated them when I was a teenager and still do. Tampons are better as far as being “neater”, but they run the risk of TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) and death (go read

Visiting The Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, and Monument Valley

This year Hubby and I took a trip to Arizona to celebrate our 10 Year Anniversary ! Hubby took a few days off work, and I paid for the trip with our  Shaklee biz income.  We flew from Indy to Las Vegas, NV. We caught a short flight into Phoenix, AZ. (Looking back, we wish we would have just drove from Nevada into Arizona, as we wasted time getting a flight into Phoenix.) It was a warm 80* in Phoenix.... we got a rental car in Phoenix and started driving North. The scenery with the open land, mountains, hills and cacti was absolutely beautiful! We stopped in Camden to get gas, eat, and stretch our legs. They have the cutest gift shop with everything you can imagine at the Camden Trading Post. (The food and service was great too!) And, the weather was perfect! We crossed into Utah and reached Monument Valley around dusk. We stayed overnight in the one and only Monument Valley Hotel. The views were amazing! Every room has a balcony facing the

Getting Rid Of Clutter

In 2014, I stumbled across  Becoming Minimalist  and started reading with interest. In   January 2015 , My husband and I decided that we were going to make the choice to get rid of clutter and simplify our life.   It was one of the best choices we have ever made! Since then, we have cleaned out the house, garage, shop, barn, and attic, and have gotten rid of truck loads of stuff ( I wish now that we would have kept a total count ). Don’t get me wrong, we’ve never been ‘pack-rats’, but we simply had a lot of stuff that we didn’t use, just taking up space. Here are just a few pictures, but  they do not include all the truck loads of good things that were donated... We used our garage as a place to put the things that we gathered and then gave them away, donated them, recycled them, sold them, or took them to the trash. Our load to the landfill - isn't it sad how much stuff is wasted? This stuff was donated....  We sold some of the things that we

Living Simply with Joy

  It's a brand new year.... 2015! Last year, I had some health issues ( my cancer /stress) kept me from doing what I enjoy - gardening , working in my flowerbeds, writing poetry, blogging, expanding my business , spending time with family and 'just living'. I spent a few weeks in bed, was depressed and life lost all joy.   I don't know whats in store for 2015, but this year, I am choosing to enjoy life, living simply and having joy .... I'm gonna try to enjoy the simple things in life. Get rid of clutter, spend time with my hubby and kids (after all, they are what matters most to me), learn to say no, and enjoy this life that I have been blessed with. Want to live life simply? Not sure where to start? Here's some ideas: Call someone. Book a plane ticket. Send a package. Write in a journal. Read books. Sit on a porch swing. Listen to some music. Say 'no'. Bake a treat for a neighbor. Be a friend. Help someone. Send a card. Red

Join Shaklee FREE

Now is an amazing time to join Shaklee with a FREE membership plus more! Here's How: Place a 50 pv order - and you will receive both a FREElifetime membership ($20 value - no purchase requirements ever) and a FREE canister of the 180 energizing cafe' latte smoothee mix..... ($48.00 value) Plus - For every person you refer to me (Rhoda) to sponsor - who joins with a 50 pv order, Stephen and I will personally write you a check for $10 Cash! -Offer is good till Feb. 28, 2014. This is a great time to try non-toxic cleaning products , skincare , sports nutrition , kids vitamins and baby care , and our all natural whole food supplements !  Everything is backed with a 100% guarantee - if you are not completely satisfied you will receive your money back! *Become a Shaklee Member and save 15% on all Shaklee products. Plus, receive special promotions and offers, get exclusive access to our Member Center, and save an addi