Taking Care of Me - Surgery #1

Over the last few years, I haven't taken good care of myself, and as a result, my health has taken a hit..... when you have a special needs kid, multiple auto immune diseases, cancer, and chronic stress, I guess its somewhat to be expected. But, since I've chosen to take care of myself this year, my health is a high priority.

My 1st surgery was Monday, March 20th, 2017

"Surgery is the treatment of disease or injury by cutting into the body to repair or remove the injured or diseased body part".

I was extremely nervous. I had never been put to sleep or had any type of surgery before in my life.

The surgery went well, the worst things about it were the sore throat from the breathing tube, keeping my pain levels down, and the drive home (I do believe we have the worst roads in the US!). 

I wasn't expecting the affects of anesthesia to make me have insomnia for the first three days. Or that doing simple household chores would make me tire so easily, but Hubby was great at taking care of me after I got home 

Most days, I have been doing very little and resting with my feet up.... I've been getting lots of reading done! But, each day I feel a little better than the day before, so hopefully I'll be back to myself in another week or so. I went to the doctors today and was cleared to start doing normal activities again...

My blood tests have been coming back really good and the doctor says it's because of my high quality vitamins, so she thinks that contributed to the surgery being easier for me, than most.

I'm glad to have my first surgery over with.... I have a long road ahead with my health and choosing to take care of me, but I'm ready to get my health back piece by piece.... 


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