
Things You Don't Know About Me

Ok, so here's 10 things you may not know about me. 1. I used to drive a truck with a sleeper cab pulling a 53' long wedge trailer and if I didn't have a family - I'd consider driving truck again -it's a great way to see the USA. 2. I have written well over 400 poems and have had some of my poetry published. 3. I hate (am terrified of) worms and snakes. My kids actually get punished if they pick one up around me. 4. I have worked at a cemetery doing burials and actually enjoyed it. I think cemeteries are peaceful. - but I am scarred of open caskets. I hate walking by an open casket. 5. I want to live a primitive lifestyle in the middle of nowhere with no neighbors and could totally live without most modern conveniences and technology, including a cell phone. 6. I get stressed every easily - for example this morning I cried for two hours, because I was stressed about how the day would go. (-it went fine, by the way) My cancer , skin disease , and aut

Grand Canyon Gettaway

Yay!!! I'm super excited.... I just booked our gettaway tickets to the Grand Canyon!!! ...and the best part is that this vacation is paid with our Shaklee Income!!!   ‪ #‎whyishaklee  ‪ #‎srkindred  ‪ #‎grandcanyon  ‪ #‎10yranniversary  ‪ #‎ilovemybiz

Overextended and Loving Most of It By Lisa Harper

                                                    Overextended and Loving Most of It  By Lisa Harper ‘The Unexpected Joy of Being Harried, Heartbroken, and Hurling Oneself Off Cliffs’ Rating: 3 Stars Would you consider your life stretched to the limit? Lately I feel like I'm being pulled in one too many directions. There’s always a lot to do…. yard work, gardening , schooling, cleaning , cooking, animals to take care of , business appointments , errands to run, kids that need me…. the emotional effects of a special needs son and the exhaustion that comes with having cancer …… life doesn’t seem to slow down. In this book , Lisa shows us that it is possible for us to glorify the Lord, even if we are frazzled and overextended. Even in the middle of our own hectic schedules, it is only by resting in God’s mercy that we are able to keep risking our hearts to serve his people and fulfill the callings he has placed on us. "Real" life . . ."ab