Dress Your Best

In today's time, we often overlook the importance of dressing up... just look around you the next time to go to the doctors office, grocery store, or even a church activity. I mean, I'm all for being comfortable, but people often take it too far.

Think about it, most people dress like bedraggled slobs. Have you looked around? Men might be in T-shirts with coffee stains, holes, or in ratty, baggy jeans, ugly shorts, and showing off their britches. Women are wearing stretch leggins, sweats, halter tops, super short shorts, and, yes, underwear in public. If our clothes are a means of self-expression, we clearly loathe ourselves.

How does it make you feel, when you see someone at the checkout with uncombed hair, baggy sweatpants, slippers, and an unpleasant smell? My guess is you probably don't think very highly of them.

Let me insert here, if that's truly all someone can afford, I'm OK with that, but seriously, if you have money to get your nails done or have a cellphone, I'm pretty sure you can afford a nice set of clothes. Here's the thing.... the majority of us can afford to take a bit of time and money to look better.

"Dress like you're already famous!"

The question every person should ask is, “What am I trying to say or accomplish by what I’m choosing to wear?”

For me personally, it means dressing well. I want people to know that I value myself enough to get dressed up. I want others to respect me. When I leave my home, I am essentially telling those who come in contact with me about my life, values, and views. I want to be thought of in a good way.... both with how I dress, and how I act.

As a business owner and a christian, I want my witness to be clean. I want my 'dress' to reflect what I stand for - not only in my personal life but also in my business life and spiritual life. I believe we each are our best and worst advertisement... how people see us, is directly related to how they view us.

Put a little make up on.... get a haircut that flatters you. Add a necklace and some earrings. Layer your clothes. Add a belt, scarf, or cardigan. Find your energy type and learn what type of clothing looks best on you. It really doesn't take a lot of work, or money to show yourself a little respect and dress your best.

"Being well dressed is a beautiful form of politeness."


  1. I love the last quote, "Being well dressed is a beautiful form of politeness."


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