
Showing posts with the label Relationships

The Sign At The End Of The Lane

We live on a little piece of country land, out in the middle of no where.... when you turn on our road, you go by a little cemetery, through an s curve, up a slight hill and you come to it.... our home. There you'll find a sign at the end of the lane.... its not a big sign, its not a fancy sign, and its really not even that good looking of a sign, but it lets people know that we are here. Here to help you feel better, here to help a friend or your family member, here to give health, hope, and wealth . Here to share, here to care. We are here to make your future better.  So, if your looking for information to work from home, want to improve your health, or just need someone to talk to.... stop on in.... Yes, that sign sets at the end of our lane as a reminder that I am here for you. How can I help you today? - Rhoda Kindred Shaklee Independent Distributor 

Why I Wouldn't Have Kids Again

It's never been a secret that  I do not enjoy being a mom . But when most people hear that, they think I hate my kids or that I'm a horrible person... But the thing is... I don't say it to be mean or cruel to my kids but rather, I feel this way because my kids deserved so much more. I'm sad that the way my kids grew up wasn't the way I'd have chosen to raise them, if I knew then what I know now. I wish someone would have told me the honest truth about having kids. You see if I could go back and do it all over, my kids would've been raised without TV, a computer or cell phones. There would have been no sweets or soda pop. No plastic toys, or barbie dolls. They would have had a structured schedule and routine. They would have been able to play sports, do Gymnastics, and go to dance and music lessons. They would have grown up in a good church, with best friends, young folks, potlucks, singing in nursing homes, and having guests over for Sunday dinn

Its Complicated

Well, I done it again.... had a big argument with my teenage daughter.  Let me insert here.... I love this girl. Period. I want what's best for her. I want her to have everything I didn't, and I want her to be happy, and successful in everything she sets out to accomplish. She is a gifted writer, player of music, singer , photographer, graphic designer, and artist . She sees the good in everyone.... But she is so very different from me.  I am a Type 3. I see the world in black and white. I don't like people and I usually only give someone a chance once. If they mess it up, I'm done. It's over. I'm very opinionated and really don't care what other people think. I'm strong headed and can be kinda rude. It's really not worth my time arguing with you. But she. NO. She is a Type 2 and thinks the best of everyone. She sees the world in grey.  She gives people chance after chance after chance. She never wants to hurt their feelings. She

Before You Date My Daughter....

I have an 18 yr old daughter... she is beautiful inside and out, has a heart for people, thinks the best of everyone, and is talented. She can write, paint, sketch, play four musical instruments, has a beautiful voice, and loves animals. She is taking Graphic Design in college, and has a full time job. She is a soft, kind hearted young lady.  And while she still lives at home and has a dad to look out for her, she's not all peaches and cream. She can hold her own pretty well, and has her own ideas, standards and reasoning. But, when it comes to dating, she has seen some of the worst brought out in guys... In the last few years, she has had six guys interested. Some have asked her to date, some have wanted to do everything but date. One lied to both her and her dad, one was 11+ yrs older than her and lived in another country, one didn't have his licence and wanted her to drive out of state to his house, one told her he needed space from her family before they even we

When In New York...

Our oldest daughter turned 18 this month!!! First off, I still can't believe that I'm old enough to have an 18 yr old kid.... but anyway, ever since she was twelve, we planned on taking a trip together, just me and her, to a place of her choosing when she turned eighteen - out of school, but before college and a full time job!  She chose New York, NY and w e had a great time! Back before she was born, my ex and I used to drive truck through New York every couple weeks, so I've been there, but up until now I had only experienced it by driving through, which is completely different than being right among the people, walking the sidewalks and taking the subways! There were some things I learned about New York, that was different than I expected. So here we go, in no particular order.... (it's gonna be random!)   You will spend a lot of time riding the subway.  It's not scary. It's fun and relaxing, especially if you like to people watch! It ende

Behind The Laughter Book Review

Behind the Laughter A Comedian's Tale of Tragedy and Hope By: Anthony Griffith and Dr. Brigitte Travis-Griffin with Mark Caro “I was living every comic’s dream…with a nightmare attached.” Anthony Griffith, a stand-up comic from Chicago’s South Side, has lived on the borderline of comedy and tragedy. At the very time his career as a stand-up comedian was taking off, and he had finally achieved his dream of appearing on The Tonight Show, he was also enduring an unimaginable personal nightmare: his two-year-old daughter, Brittany Nicole, was dying from cancer. While Anthony performed under bright lights, he struggled not to succumb to the darkness of losing a child. Behind the Laughter asks, When your world is falling apart, how do you keep going? It’s the story of how Anthony and his wife, Brigitte, learned to endure the most painful of times and emerge on the other side of the “zombie years.” Although, I have not had a child die from cancer, I could definitely relate

To My Kids (and all the kids out there)....

A few days ago, I stopped by my kids elementary school. While waiting, I was seated beside a kid in my son's special needs class. When a staff member asked the kid a question, he simply screamed, then turned to me and smiled. I'm sorry - (not sorry), but what that kid needs is a good slap on the mouth.... I don't care if your kid is Autistic, has ADHD, has Aspergers, is slow, hyper, or any other thing. Kids need to learn how to act. They need to realize they really are not that great. The world DOES NOT revolve around them! I have a special needs kid and I know that life is difficult for him, its hard for him to understand simple things, and to communicate, but we have taught him to use his words, to respond to people, and to simply be a good kid. And you know what?!?!? We get compliments almost everywhere we go with him. Just this week, his Endo Doctor told him that out of all the kids she sees in her practice, no other kid has ever been so polite and well behave

Loving Your Spouse

It's easy to love your spouse when everything is going smooth, and you feel deep in love. But do you love your Spouse in the middle of a disagreement, or when there's conflict, and you think, how did we get here? What happened? My husband and I had our first big, and only major blow-up argument about one month after we got married, which ended in one of us calling the other a name, and not speaking to each other for 3 days straight... (which is not a good thing when you are remodeling your house and end up with a bathroom floor that neither of you like, but were both too stubborn to tell each other!) Looking back, our argument was really stupid and was over a piece of mail. It all happened because instead of talking to each other about what we expected from each other, we assumed the other person would just know.  Let me insert here, the first 6 months of married life was hard for us... (We were two very independent ppl with homes of our own, and used to doing ou