To My Youngest Child

Happy 13th Birthday to my beautiful Adilayia Rose! It's hard to believe my baby is a teenager! Being your momma has been extra special! I've always said God knew that we needed you, when he brought you into our family! When you were little, your joy for life was unmistakable! Your honesty and courage makes me so proud. I hope your determination to always do the right thing will guide you through life You are so much like your daddy. You grew up way to fast! Happy Birthday Baby Girl! - mom You didn’t make me a mama. Your pregnancy wasn't planned. You didn’t get a baby shower, or any type of celebration. Not as many people visited you at the hospital as your older siblings, and very few came to our house when we first got home. You didn’t get a new car seat, or a new baby swing. Most of your clothes are hand-me-downs. Your monthly milestone pictures were late by a day or two, and I have far less bump pictures from my pregnancy with you. Most of your toys come well-loved from ...