Gracehaven House stop human trafficing

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Gracehaven is a home in Columbus, Ohio that has been renovated and are trying to get enough funds to fully staff it with the proper personnel. When the shelter opens, it will provide a wide array of recovery services for its victims, who will include both adult and young females. When open it will be a 5 bedroom, 4 full bath live-in facility that will provide long term rehabilitation to female victims of domestic minor sex trafficking until they reach the age of 18. Gracehaven will be able to house up to 10 girls at one time.

They only ask one requirement…that they (the girls) are ready to enter a rehabilitation program.

The program at Gracehaven is designed for the restoration and rehabilitation of the young survivors who are under our care. Each resident at Gracehaven will go through the program at her own pace, as she is able. Because of the horrible trauma these young girls have been exposed to, their healing and restoration requires a multi-disciplinary approach which we have divided into the following major elements: Counseling, Education, Mentoring and Fun. They currently have licensed social workers on staff to work with victims.

-When completed, this shelter will be one of only four in the United States.

“Currently in the state of Ohio, there are no shelters – no beds available for rescued victims of child prostitution. Gracehaven will change that. It will be a safe, healing place for those needing it the most.”

Report: Human Trafficking Big Business In Ohio

WTOV out of Steubenville reports on Theresa’s Story, and Gracehaven
Excerpt: “I thought I had been the only one this ever happened to,” Flores said. “And then I learned there was no law in Ohio against it. And that made me mad.”

In hopes of changing that, Flores and the rest of the Trafficking In Persons Study Commission, delivered a 69 page report to Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray.

Cordray said it exposed startling facts about the trade in human beings in Ohio.
  • According to the study, nearly 800 immigrants are forced into the sex trade or hard labor jobs each year in the state.
  • As many as 1,000 children born in Ohio are compelled into sex slavery or sweatshop-type jobs in restaurants or fields.
  • The report also estimated that as many as 17,500 trafficking victims pass through the state each year.“Ohio, in particular, has a very unique issue,” said James Pond of Transitions Global, which helps trafficked persons recover. “There are a lot of major freeways for transports.”The study also cites Ohio’s proximity to Canada as a reason so many enslaved people pass through its borders.
  • Ohio does not have a standalone human trafficking law, although 42 others states do.
It’s just one of three shelters in the U.S. for trafficked kids.
View Entire news article here

This is a music video about human trafficking and child slavery. Take No Glory wrote "Beautiful Slave" after reading a true story of a little girl that was trafficked and forced to be a child sex slave. We hope and pray this song will bring awareness

Human Trafficking is defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act passed by Congress as:
(a) sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or
(b) the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.

The average age of a prostitute in the United States is 12 years old. It is estimated that over 300,000 youth in America are at risk for sexual exploitation each year; at least 100,000 that are being sexually exploited each year. There are only 39 beds (3 shelters) capable of housing victims of domestic minor sex trafficking in America.

These statistics are hard to swallow. Human Trafficking is becoming a growing problem in our world today.

To learn more about Gracehaven House and its mission to aid sex trafficking victims, go to or the Gracehaven House Facebook page.


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