
Leaving Cloud 9

If you ever wanted to know how mental illness can effect people, Leaving Cloud 9 is a great read. This book could've been written by my someone I used to know. There are so many comparisons to things he went through as a child, yet in some ways, his experience was different too. I was so young at the time - 16, and I was pretty nieve. I didn't know anything about mental illness. If I did, I really think things would have ended differently. I wish that I could've helped him get the help he needed. I really think people struggling with mental illness just need someone to love them, and walk beside them and to get them help, wether that's medication or therapy, etc... they really just need someone to believe in them. I believe everyone could benefit from reading cloud nine! Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the  book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The

Living Three Different Lives

There are different seasons in every one's life.... but in my life, it is especially true. I'm thirty-five, but I've lived three different lives.  In the first life.... I grew up conservative . I was the middle kid out of seven. We grew up on a farm and learned to work at a young age. We made our own clothes, as a girl, I was not allowed to wear pants, a watch, jewelry, or to get my hair cut. We did not have a TV. We were home schooled. For the most part, I had a great childhood. I loved going to the auction barn with dad, eating ice cream floats on the front porch after a hot day of baling hay, riding go carts, or playing in the playhouse. Having sleepovers with my best friend Carla, was my favorite.  When I was 12, that all changed. My parents took us away from the church, friends, and family that we knew and loved. They joined a even more conservative church (cult) out of state. Life suddenly turned upside down. I hated my parents and their beliefs. I felt l

The Most Delicious Clinically Proven Shake

In a world where everyone is looking for the newest and best health drink on the market.... sometimes it's better to stick with what works! Shaklee has been around for over 60 years and has a proven track record!  I'd like to introduce you to Shaklee's new and improved Life Shake ™ – The Most Delicious, Clinically Proven Shake that is clinically proven to help you thrive and create the foundation for a longer, healthier life. This delicious shake has 20 grams of ultra-pure, non-GMO protein to keep you energized, with zero added sugar and precise ratios of all nine essential amino acids. Clinically proven support to help you reach and maintain your perfect, healthy weight. Powered by Leucine® to help you build lean muscle, burn fat, improve metabolism, and reduce cravings. People who use LifeShake with Shaklee's 180 program is clinically proven to loose the weight and keep it off! Easy-to-digest, promotes regularity, and digestive comfort.


'Lifesteading'.... is a term I read from Rory Feeks book - Once Upon A Farm . "It is planting yourself In the soil where you live and growing a life you can be proud of. A love that will last. And a hope that even death can not shake." "We are all living somewhere between "once in a lifetime" and "happily ever after." - How very true those words are.

Caring For Your Ex In A World Where Everyone Hates Their's

Caution: Unpopular Opinion Below!!! Your former husband doesn't have to be your best pal, but thanks to a shared respect for each other, he can still be your friend. I have never understood why people, when th ey hear you are divorced, automatically think that you hate your ex, or that you have horrible memories with your ex. Or that your ex is a horrible person... Why is this? If the couple loved each other at one time, why does the relationship have to  weaken to the point of sheer hatred for the other? Is it because we don't accept a reasonable difference of opinion? Is it because society says it's so? Is it because it so happens to comply with the universal law of nature? If you don't hate your ex, why are you still not with them!?! - more like a catch-22 kind of thing. Every couple has their own relationship dance. All you have to do is change your part in the dance. I know that most people are surprised when I speak of my ex-husband with real

Making Mayberry

My kids love to watch "The Andy Griffith Show" in black-and-white, and I don't mind it one bit - in fact, I rather enjoy watching it also. The one thing I think everyone loves about Mayberry is the peaceful, simpleness of it. And many of us wish we could live in Mayberry too...maybe it's because we ache to live in a place where kindness and goodness seem to be a way of life. Every day.  Mayberry was a town so comfortable and calm that down-home Sheriff Andy Taylor hardly ever got to do any sheriff-ing. He mostly dispensed folksy wisdom to his motherless son, Opie, rode herd on his jittery sheriff deputy, Barney Fife, and helped his Mayberry townsfolk keep on the straight and narrow and neighborly. I have come to realize that Mayberry can still be.... it just has to be wherever you are. You make Mayberry. We all do if we want it. And so it turns out, it is right here. - Rory Feek  Here some things to remember to make Mayberry a reality wherever

It Happened To Me: A Victim's Account of Online Grooming

You always hear about abuse, but you’d never think that it might happen to you.* I was an early graduate ; came from a good family, didn’t get into much trouble. I was a generally good kid… and right on the edge of sixteen. In my mind, I was grown up and thought I knew everything.  I loved fantasy stories. The whole knight-in-shining-amour, rangers, castles, and sword-fights… that’s what I was into, and a few years before, I had stumbled upon an online, text-based game that gave me the ability to star in one of my favorite fiction worlds of all time. Being a writerly person with a huge imagination, I fell in love with the game’s scripturally detailed, adventurist feel instantly, and made a lot of allies through roleplaying my character. A few were high level players, who were quick to help me level up. One of these in particular had become a close friend –too close for what it was worth. You couldn’t send pictures in-game, and so he convinced me to download a gamer’s app that wou