

I realized something last night. I was doing my usual over thinking, when I couldn't sleep and the thought of "If I died what are the things (keepsakes) that I would want my kids to keep - Something special to remind them of me." Here is my list:  My wedding ring set My gold diamond heart necklace   (the first gift my hubby gave me when we were dating) My antique picture and frame (a replica of my G'ma Stumps) My keepsake photo albums  (full of memories that tell our life story) My Bible My Poetry Books and writings What I realized was that out of all my belongings - there is actually very little that I would consider my most favorite keepsakes. Grant it, I would hope that my daughters might want some jewelry, a few dishes, my G'pa Fricks rocking chair, my G'ma's hurricane lamp, my vanity, some of my antiques, dishes, decor, etc. to also remember me by. Let me insert here, that I love my home and it's contents. I t

The One Thing Standing IN Your Way For A Clutter-Free Home

I think the main reason most people get hung up when it comes to decluttering their homes is because of storage. M any people try to keep too much of the same kinds of things, so they will buy extra hutches, drawers, totes, baskets, etc., to hold all their stuff - they have no limit to the amount of stuff they choose to keep....  Let me explain.   If you have an office, you have paper clutter. Most people have at least one filing cabinet and a desk, but still have too much paper. So, they will buy another filing cabinet and in a few years, still have too much paper clutter.... The same thing with our closets and dressers. We all usually have one of each. We fill them full and overflowing. Then we have clothes in baskets, sitting on chairs, lying on the floor, and our drawers and shelves are running over.... most of us go buy storage containers... we fill them with seasonal clothes, or too big, or too small clothes, or clothes that we used to love, but are out of style, et

My Gallery Wall

Our house has an open concept layout and while I love it.... I miss having more wall space.  About 7 years ago, I came across the idea of having a gallery wall - and wanted to try it....  I like the idea of showcasing things that are important to our family and things that tell a stoy about our life. So, after some trial and error, below is a picture of my first gallery wall -  My first gallery wall had a little bit of everything in it..... the only thing I bought was the fake scull with horns. (I actually thought it would be bigger, but I guess it works fine for a piece of decor.) The oxen yoke was my Grandpas.  My Hubby made the 'Kindred' sign in his woodshop. The cast Iron wheel came from my Dad. 1092 is our house number.  The licence plate is an old Indiana 1988 truck plate that was here when we bought the place. There is a picture of Hubby and the kids in the Badlands, SD and a picture of me with the kids on Mothers Day a few years back.

How Shaklee's YOUTH Healed My Skin

Like nearly every growing teen, I have struggled with acne. Although mine is thankfully not severe, it hit a definite peak between the ages of 14 and 16. I had tried different facial cleansers, exfoliators, moisturizers, way too many questionable DIY concoctions (which did more harm than good), and even a medicated cream, to try to tame this bothersome side affect of puberty. Every night I would exfoliate like crazy, apply at least 3 different products, and every morning I would wake up with the same lack of results. None of them seemed to work, which, of course, drove me to use them even more religiously…  At that time, it seemed like a wise solution. It wasn’t. As my acne worsened, my confidence dwindled, but I eventually discovered the life-changing power of liquid foundation and concealer… only, I lacked the knowhow to use it, and the end result  made me look like  a cake-faced oompa loompa... from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Not the best lo

An Open Letter To My Customers

Dear Customer, As the owner of SRKindred and an Independant Shaklee Distributor, I want to personally thank you for your continued loyalty to our products and your support of our family business. Shaklee is so much more than just a nutritional, product, company. Our mission is to help people everywhere enjoy beautiful, healthy, fulfilling lives through our exceptional, naturally based products, a fun and rewarding business opportunity, and a culture of family, service, and gratitude.  Do you realize your support means much more than simply buying vitamins, skincare, weightloss, cleaning products, or Basic H? You’re supporting small business. You’re supporting our family. You make it possible for me to stay home with my children. According to Entrepreneur magazine, there are over 25 million small businesses in the U.S., and Forbes reports that 52% of small businesses are home-based.  We are blessed by your continued patronage…This is life changing for o

35 Things I've Learned In 35 Years

Today, I turn 35 years old. I'm not one to make a big deal about my birthday, but, the older I get, the more I reflect on my life. So, I thought I’d share some lessons I’ve learned... 1. Say you’re sorry. Being too proud to apologize is never worth it. Open your heart. Life is amazing if you don’t shut it out.  Be willing to take the wounds that come with an open heart, but know when to walk away. Know who your people are and you will experience the best of life. 2. Possessions are worse than worthless — they’re harmful. They add no value to your life, and cost you everything. Not just the money required to buy them, but the time and money spent shopping for them, maintaining them, worrying about them, insuring them, fixing them, etc. Mindless shopping is unhealthy, and useless. Live a clutter free life. 3. Slow down. Rushing is rarely worth it. Life is better enjoyed at a leisurely pace. Savor life. Not just the usual pleasures, but everything and everyone. The stranger y

KJV Minister's Bible Book Review

I am not a preacher. However, I am an ordained minister and have a license to legally perform marriages in the state of Indiana. Ok... you can quit laughing now!!! The above statement is true. I even have a certificate to prove it!  My currant bible is 23 years old. I've had it since I was young and it is falling apart. I love my Bible and I have tons of notes in it and things highlighted so I can easily  find things. The only problem with it besides falling apart, is that it has giant print and is huge and heavy to carry around.  A few months ago, I bought a Holman Reference Bible, which I like the size and the lettering print style. However it is cheaply made and the pages are extremely thin. There's also not much room in it to write notes.  So when I saw this Bible, I thought that I would give it a try. I wish that I wouldn't have. The Bible has no room for writing - not even a small margin. The text is not easy to read. It has no references. The th