
Night Night, Farm and Night Night Jungle Book Reviews

“Mice and pigs, chickens and cows- Squeak, oink, cheap and moo... Oh, the animals God has made! And, Hey, He made me too! Night night, God. ” As the big moon rises, the jungle settles in for the night.  All around, jaguars, lemurs, and monkeys cuddle close and say, “Night night!”   These little board books are absolutely adorable. Night Night, Farm and Night Night, Jungle are amazing books that incorporates both learning about animals and a love for God.  I love how God is woven within these bedtime stories. A wonderful way to begin a prayer for little ones. It's the perfect end before dreams begin. The stories come alive with the illustrations that are bright and colorful.  If I had to give it a critique, it would be that I wish there was more touch and feel in the Night Night Farm Book. But, all in all, these are both adorable little books and will make a cute gift for my brand new  niece or nephew that will be arriving in a few months. Dis

Easter 2018

Happy Easter from the Kindreds.... Easter 2018 I have always loved our great big fireplace since the first day I laid eyes on it. We try to take a family picture in front of it every Easter and Christmas. Some years, we forget, but I thought I'd post our family pictures with all the kids from years past....  So, here's a trip down memory lane.... Easter 2017 2016 2015 Easter 2014 Easter 2013 Easter 2012 Easter 2011 Easter 2010

Martha's Flowers Book Review

I absolutely love flowers. I think they are beautiful and if they smell heavenly than that is just icing on the cake. I love having a bouquet of fresh cut flowers on my table to look at, every day. They just make me smile. Flowers are my love language. Since I got that off my chest....  Martha's Flowers is a truly a beautiful book. The first surprise about this book is it's size! This is certainly a coffee table book in size, quality, heaviness, durability, and photos.  What pleased me most about this book is that these aren't rare or difficult to grow flowers, but rather the old fashioned garden flowers most gardeners will already have growing in their gardens; roses, peonies, lilacs, hydrangeas, etc. However seeing them so artfully, elegantly, and dare I say simply arranged, is nothing short of inspiring! Each flower/bush has a dedicated section with a story from Martha then specific, detailed directions regarding growing them and suggestions with

What Introverts Want You To Know.... and it might not be what you think

For those of you who don't know, my daughter, Faith is an amazing writer and is extremely gifted at putting her words down on paper.... so she's guest posting on the blog today.  I love taking personality tests and seeing how people are different by their own types. I  am an introvert and extrovert myself and agree completely with 1 and 2. However, number 5 is completely not me... isn't it interesting how God made each of us uniquely different? Here's what Faith has to say about what introverts want us to know.... As an introvert myself, I really value my alone time. It’s a time to unwind, be myself, and do stupid things without having to worry if anyone’s watching. It’s my “happy place”, my recharge, and I depend on it to get me through life’s hectic situations. Sure, I like spending time with friends, going shopping, and eating out, but honestly, I like my solitude even more. When I try to explain this to certain people, they often don’t get i

Decluttering At The Speed Of Life Book Review

Anyone that has followed my blog any length of time knows how much we try to live a clutter free life. That being said, I'm always on the look out for different approaches of getting rid of more stuff... (my long term goal is to get our stuff down to fit inside a 20x30 ft cabin that the hubby and I would like to build and live in after the kids are grown.) But even in our current house, I love having a clutter free home and with living on a hobby farm and 3 kids, we are always bringing in stuff, so there is always things to get rid of. I will just put this out there.... I am a huge Joshua Becker fan and have read all his books. But I also enjoy reading different peoples approaches to decluttering and minimalism; like the Kon Marie Method ,  Courtney Carver's Project 333 , or  The Minimalists    so I was excited to read Dana White's  step by step approach, using the 5 steps. Step 1: Trash Step 2: Easy Stuff Step 3: Duh Clutter Step 4: Ask the Declutt

How To Make A Cat Cake

I'm not super big into birthdays, but every year, I let my kids pick the birthday supper menu -complete with homemade ice cream, and the cake flavor and design of their choice. I then try my hardest to make the cake exactly what they want. This year my youngest daughter wanted a "cat" cake, so here's what I came up with.... How To Make A Cat Cake . Start with 1, cooled, 9x13 cake. (I only use and love USA pans for my cakes, no spraying, no flour, no sticking..... USA pans are the best!) Cut the cake in half and use a knife to level off both halves. Then stack the halves with icing in the middle to keep them together. Do not icing to the edge. Put the cake into the freezer for 20 min. Then, remove from freezer and start shaping the cake.... Cut the back so that it's rounded, and cut a small half circle out of the front. Save all your pieces of cake. Also, cut a dip out for the cats shoulders, and used the extra pieces to put together t

How To Window Box Book Review

This is such a cute little book full of lots of information! I liked everything about it.... but then I like everything about plants and flowers, so I guess it' only right to like this book! The author did a great job. There is lots of info on anything from personalizing your window box, adding grow lights, to pruning the plants and watering. I liked all the different kind of examples given:  - the sand box - the rain forest - the herb garden - the woodlands - the salad bar - the window bog and more.... The pictures are beautiful. I loved that the title is stamped into the front of the book and that the cover pages look like this: If you love flowers, plants, or gardening - you will love this little book! Disclosure: I received this book free from the publisher through a  book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.