
Talking About God Book Review

Honestly, I'm confused with this book. I've heard such good things about this book.... how it  shows you to step into faith conversations with honesty, transparency, and integrity. And w hile I agree with the book, it was hard for me to stay focused and just didn't do anything for me. I do believe that people do want to really talk about God, and we need to remember that we are not selling something, but rather inviting people into a relationship with their Creator and that is not a process to rush or take lightly.  Yes, the eternal destiny of our family and friends should be important to us, but we have to relax and let God do the work. For me personally, the book didn't do anything to help me with talking about God to others or show me truths I already didn't know. I was disappointed. To comply with regulations by the FTC, the publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions are my own.

The Closet Challenge

It's a brand new year, so how about starting it off right with a simple closet challenge. It's common knowledge that with very few exceptions, it's likely that clothing you haven't worn in three to six months is clothing you will not wear again. It could be donated and used by someone who needs it. Often, we have good intentions on getting rid of clothes that we don't wear, but very seldom do we follow through with the idea. There is usually something that keeps us from completing the task... we don't have time, someday we might fit into them, they remind us about a memory or special time in our past, we don't know where to start, we think we'll do it later..... etc. If you find it hard to let go of clothing even when you never wear it, this is for You!  Take all of your clothes that are on hangers and put them in the closet backward, so that the open end of each hanger now faces you. Set a calendar reminder for three months from no

New Year Resolutions

Stop trying to be something your not! This could be considered useful advise for just about anything.... b ut, today I'm talking about exercising. This time of year you hear of people making New Year Resolutions and the top one for many people is to lose weight. Now I'm not saying weight loss or exercising is bad. What I'm saying is if you have to be something that's not true to who you are to achieve it.... it's simple not worth it! I'm all for losing weight (You can see my getting healthy story here ), exercising, eating healthy , becoming fit, being happy,and changing into the person who you want to be... just don't go about it the wrong way! Let me explain what I mean.... I have always been short (5ft.). As a kid, I hated walking with my mom and sister, because they could walk circles around me... ( short legs don't go fast) . When I was 12, I was ran over with a produce wagon and have had many leg problems since. I have str

A Snack Basket Blessing

Be A Blessing.... Often when someone is in the hospital we want to help, but rarely do we know what to do.... may I suggest a snack basket. Ideas for a snack basket:  Fresh fruit with a pairing knife Plastic silverware, napkins, and paper plates  sweets - candy, cupcakes, trail mix salty - nuts, chips, crackers, popcorn, combos meal/snack bars  cheese sticks  fruit snacks or died fruit bottles of water or other drinks  pudding cups, jello  bread, miracle whip (packets), lunch meat, cheese and chips to make sandwiches  My mom and my mother in law, both brought us in snacks and it made such a difference. Another thing is offer to stop and pick up a meal or a burger and fries, or shake. A pizza tastes better than hospital food any day. We also appreciated an extra $10 or $20 that was gifted to use to use for food or things we needed while we were at the hospital.  I was lucky that there was a hospital across the road that had a nice salad buffet

Merry Christmas from the Kindred's

2017 Year In Review: January - Jekyll Island, Georgia vacation February - finished painting interior trim and doors throughout the house. March - Rhoda 1st. surgery May - Faith high school graduation          -wyatt surgery in hospital stay June - Wyatt 2nd. surgery/ hospital stay July - Wyatt home from the hospital and infusions at home for 3 weeks August - Rhoda 2nd. surgery and 3rd. emergency surgery September - visited College of the Ozarks and the St Louis Arch in Missouri October - Hocking Hills Ohio trip December - Blessed with a new Church family and friends. Stephen - still working at the glass plant and stays busy keeping things looking good around our little farm. Rhoda - busy with our Shaklee business , homeschooling , and being wife, and Mama. ~ Married 12.2 years ~ More in love now than ever! Rented a cabin in  Hocking Hills, Ohio  for our anniversary and enjoyed hiking the rim and gorge trails. We enjoyed the hot tub and the alone

Christmas Caroling

I have many, happy, childhood memories of Christmas caroling.  When I was a kid, we used to go caroling with our church and with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, every year.  It was a family tradition.   We would all bring cookies and candies, and put together cookie plates to give to those that we went caroling to.  After the plates were made and we all had our caroling books, we would pile into cars and drive to the people's place's that we were caroling for. I loved riding in Grandpa's car or with my best friend Carla.  Growing up in a conservative family, we did not decorate for Christmas or have a Christmas tree. So, as a kid, I loved seeing all the Christmas lights and decorations in the people's homes we visited.  My favorite place to go caroling was our old neighbor lady Adell's house. She doted on us kids and would pass out candy and I loved her C hristmas lights and her singing Santa doll.  After caroling, we all c

Finding a Church

I am a christian.... but I haven't been to church regularly for over five years... and it's been over twelve years since I've had a church where I felt loved, needed, and a part of. I used to help on buses, be a nursery worker, do bulletin boards, decorate the church, help with Ladies meetings and loved singing special music. The reason is NOT for a lack of wanting or trying to find a good church. On the contrary... we have visited a lot of churches over the years always hoping we'd find what we were looking for, but always coming up short. My biggest issue with finding a church after what it believes and preaches, is that there are people there that want the same as me in life. Some of my needs in no particular order: (This may be a good time to point out I am conservative and like things rather old fashion.)  Independent, Fundamental, KJV Baptist Church  Home-schoolers - wanting to raise their kids for the Lord  People dress up for church