
Showing posts with the label Dressing Your Truth

Understanding Architect (INTJ, -A/-T) Personality

Ever wonder how to understand yourself? What is your personality? Why is it that you do the things you do? The last few years I have studied different types of people. It's easier to read others than myself, but I have gradually come to terms with who I am. According to 16 personalities , I am an Architect (INTJ, -A/-T)  which means that I am an:  Introvert,  iNtuitive,  Thinking,  Judging and  I am both Assertive (-A)   and   Turbulent (-T) at  the same time.  I am self-assured, even-tempered, refuse to worry too much and do not push myself too hard when it comes to achieving goals.  But am also  self-conscious and sensitive to stress. I experience a wide range of emotions and tend to be perfectionistic and eager to improve. I spend time thinking about the direction in which my life is going. Life is very stressful for me.  It is very rare to be me.... only .8% of people who are woman are (INTJ, -A/-T)! This test explains so many things about me.... how

The Curated Closet Book Review

The Curated Closet By: Anuschka Rees 3 Stars I am a visual person when it comes to learning! So, while reading  'the curated closet' , I loved the suggestion on creating a 'My Style' Pinterest Board . After looking at my style board , it helped me see a pattern. I like above the knee length denim straight skirts, bodycon skirts, denim and leather jackets, brown boots, strappy sandals, cardigans, and chunky jewelry, to name a few. I am a Type 3/secondary Type 2 in Dressing Your Truth - so you'll find lots of Type 3 colors in my style board. I think the most important thing to remember when building your curated closet is that you personalize it to you. Don't try to be someone else's style look alike! Overall, I thought this book had a lot of good useful ideas, the only downside is that the photos were not vivid or engaging, and overall dull and boring - but that may just be my Type 3 personality showing! I am not doing a closet

The Happiness Dare Giveaway

I love this book and want you to love it too, so....  I'm giving away a copy - right here on my blog...  keep reading to enter! The last couple years, I have been choosing to have more joy in my life. We have gotten rid of clutter , figured out priorities, cut back on stress in our life, and paid off our home. Life is good, but you know what??? Joy and happiness are two different things -and my life could use a lot more holy happiness in it! Get this.... God is a Happy God - and He wants us to be Happy! A. W. Tozer said that the people of God "ought to be the happiest people in all the wide world!" I think too often as Christians, we put a limit on our happiness in God.  In The Happiness Dare, Jennifer says "God gave us the created world - with sugar, bluebirds, audio books, words with friends, art museums, and sex. You have permission to enjoy food, friendships, and a cool swim on a hot summer day. the devil didn't make art, laughte

Dressing Your Truth Experiment Fun With The Four Types

I sometimes talk with people who claim that anybody can wear anything and look good. I disagree. Faith, my daughter and I decided to test that theory, by each dressing in all four types of the Dressing Your Truth Program . We used clothes, makeup, and accessories that we already had and really did try to dress as much as we could in each of the four type styles, even if we didn't like it.  We both wore the same color of makeup for each of the types. We started with Type 1: Faith had a light aqua t-shirt, white shorts, a multi colored striped belt, a bright orange zipper bracelet and gold circle earrings. (It was harder for me to find a Type 1 outfit, as I have been trying to clean out my closet since I started DYT and living with less) . My shirt had multi color circles, which I pared with a white sweater and gold circle earrings. We puffed our hair on top to give it an upward motion and we completed the look with blue eye shadow, light pink lip stain