Facebook Friends
Do you know how many friends you have on Facebook??? It's funny, most of the people on Facebook who are my friends, I don't talk to much in real life at all. Facebook started out as a good way to connect with extended family, cousins, aunts, and old friends from different parts of my past life. I always thought that people who didn't like Facebook and those who said there was too much drama, were the ones who caused the drama. I thought they were crazy.... But the last few years, I've started to realize something. My friends on Facebook were there to like a picture and a few would add a comment from time to time, but in my real life. .... I had no one. When I had rough days with exhaustion from my cancer, when my dad was in the hospital, when my grandpa was on his death bed.... not one 'Facebook friend' offered to make a meal or watch the kids so I could spend time caring for my dad and grandpa. No one (except for my mom) offered to help wash the dish...